Current graphic positions
on Jan Luyken (1649-1712)

21 September to 10 November 2024
Kunstforum Ingelheim – Altes Rathaus

Kunstforum Ingelheim – Altes Rathaus →

Frogs, fire, darkness

The exhibition is trying out a new format: Conceived as an open project, ten contemporary artists have been invited to explore etchings by the Dutch artist Jan Luyken (1649-1712).

In 1708, Luyken created ten impressive sheets, each of which depicts one of the ten plagues from the Old Testament (Genesis 2: Exodus) in rich detail and narrative style: Egypt was also the home of the people of Israel at that time, but they suffered greatly under Pharaoh’s rule. When he refused to release the Jewish people from slavery, his God – according to the Bible – brought ten devastating disasters upon the land: water turned to blood, frogs, fire and darkness descended, and locusts plagued the region. Only after the tenth, most terrible plague, which killed all the first-born of man and beast, did Pharaoh let the people of Israel go.

Jan Luyken, Die zweite Plage in Ägypten.
Die Frösche kommen über Ägypten
(Detail), 1708, Radierung
© Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Köln
Foto: Stanislaw Rusch

Although Luyken’s dramatic depictions of the biblical accounts form the beginning and starting point of the exhibition, the newly created drawings by the invited contemporary artists are the focus of our autumn project.

An impressive variety of drawings have been created over the past few months: While some artists dealt with the theme of »plague« in general or with just one specific plague, others refer to current threats or deal with individual challenges. The spectrum of artistic works is correspondingly diverse and varied: it ranges from small, delicate sheets that call for a closer look to large-format drawings that also require intensive contemplation.

While some participants created ten drawings or even more, others produced far fewer works. While paper was mostly used as a medium, canvas, a screen or a multi-part installation on tables that extends into the room were also chosen. While many of the works are in black and white, there are also colourful examples.

In addition to Jan Luyken’s historical originals, works by Sandra Boeschenstein (* 1967), Ambra Durante (* 2000), Marcel van Eeden (* 1965), Sławomir Elsner (* 1976), Serena Ferrario (* 1986), Bettina Munk (* 1960), Christian Pilz (* 1978), Malte Spohr (* 1958), Brigitte Waldach (* 1966) and Christian Weihrauch (* 1966) will also be on display.

Opening hours

Wednesday to Friday (11 am – 6.30 pm)
Saturday/Sunday/Public holidays (11 am – 6 pm)
Monday and Tuesday closed

Frösche, Feuer, Finsternis

80 Seiten, 25 x 28 cm, herausgegeben von Katharina Henkel. Mit Beiträgen von Werner Klein, Astrid Reuter, Anne Waßmann-Böhm sowie Interviews mit den Künstler:innen zu ihren neu entstandenen Arbeiten.

Preis 19,- €
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